
Monday, February 29, 2016

Thoughts about Society Proceedings

It has been some time since the blog has updated; Society members seem to be busy people, which makes sense. Still, I apologize for not doing my part to get materials posted here; I shall continue to try to improve for the future. Contributions from others remain decidedly welcome; please email with "Tales after Tolkien Society" in the subject line, and we'll confer.

For the moment, though, there is some news to report:

Good News

The 2016 International Congress on Medieval Studies is coming, and the Society has a panel. Your attendance will be appreciated at it; having more people in the room helps us to keep having such panels in the future, and we may, in time, be able to get another publication out of it. In light of the upcoming Congress, there is a member survey, here: Please fill it out and let us know your opinions; we always want to hear from you!

Bad News

Less pleasantly, the attempt to have a Tales after Tolkien Society special session at the 2016 South Central Modern Language Association conference in Dallas, Texas, has faltered. Not enough responses to the call for papers came in to construct the hoped-for "Unconventional Medievalisms" panel. We will likely try again for another conference; if you have ideas of where we can go, let us know.

Call for News

As ever, the Society is happy to publicize member interests and accolades. Let us know what's going on with you; please email with "Tales after Tolkien Society" in the subject line, and we'll see about getting things posted.

This will be posted to the Society website, as well.