
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Voltron: Legendary Defender (Re)Watch 8.7, "Day Forty-Seven"

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A day in the life of the Coalition forces is presented as Legendary Defender presses onward.

8.7, "Day Forty-Seven"

Written by Joshua Hamilton
Directed by Michael Chang


Kincaid sets up a video recorded to document a day in his and his shipmates' lives aboard the Atlas. He moves through his morning ablutions and lays out the premise of his own work. Others aboard the ship insert themselves into his work as he continues to go about his day, most notably Nadia Rizavi, who takes it on herself to enliven Kincaid's work.
As in the frame presented here.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

Interviews with various members of the crew ensue. Information provided is generally good, although the crew are not performers, and it shows. Their essential characters show through until a battle alert sounds. The camera tracks some of the action as it is carried through the ship by a dog.
One of the better camera-workers in the series, as it happens.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

The dog finds its way to the bridge of the Atlas while the battle--against a space-borne organism of great size--continues. The dog flees, and the camera is taken by the mice that have long been part of the franchise before being recovered by the dog.

The camera goes dead and is recovered by Kincaid. Recording resumes. Relationships among the crew are noted, and Nadia reintroduces herself to the work. Interviews continue, and the interviewees continue to demonstrate that they are not performers--with the exception of Coran, whose grandiose personality shines through, and Colleen Holt receives particular attention.
Quite the difference, this.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

Attention turns to a mission the Paladins will be conducting. They investigate a crashed Robeast, with a live feed being sent up to the Atlas as they do. The Paladins come under assault at they investigate, and the crew of the Atlas looks on with worry as the melee continues. Pidge's video feed reveals the Robeast's pilot, which the Paladins retrieve. As Kincaid and Rzavi move to follow up on the issue, they note the impasse in questioning Robeast pilots; they snoop on the questioning, finding that it does not go well. And Kincaid resists focusing overly much on Allura's emotional hurt.
Next on the list...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

A later interview with Romelle reveals more about the Robeasts' pilots and their motivations. Another focuses on Allura and her reaction to the Robeasts' pilots, as well as her frustrations at events. And Hunk, whose culinary efforts have pervaded the episode, manages to create a breakthrough with the Robeasts' pilots that the others then turn to their own advantage before Kincaid closes out the recording and the day.


Several plot threads move through the episode, an interweaving of narrative that is common in the series and has received comment before as evoking medieval antecedents. Of particular note for the Society is the thread surrounding Hunk's culinary efforts. His penchant for kitchen-craft is noted throughout the series, featuring well in several episodes (perhaps most emphatically "Space Mall"), and, in the present episode, it effects the resolution of what had seemed an impasse between the Coalition's Alteans and the Alteans suborned by Honerva. As such, and given the medieval chivalric contextual background of the series as a whole, it serves as something of an oblique reference to the tendency in Arthurian literature to associate points of narrative importance to mealtimes. Such a connection is admittedly subtle, but a thing can be effective even if not blatant, and the small nod that may be occasioned thereby helps to reaffirm yet one more time the medievalist underpinnings of Voltron: Legendary Defender.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Voltron: Legendary Defender (Re)Watch 8.6, "Genesis"

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As the final season of Legendary Defender reaches its midpoint, it arrives at a nadir, indeed.

8.6, "Genesis"

Written by Mitch Iverson
Directed by Eugene Lee


As the Atlas proceeds through the cosmos, the Coalition forces aboard review the intelligence they have gathered so far. Honerva's Robeasts continue to make planetfall on worlds across the universe. Shiro calls for calm and assigns tasks. Meanwhile, Honerva addresses her people, exhorting them in her late son's name. The Robeasts she has sent out awaken and begin their machinations.
No, that's not ominous at all.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

The Atlas learns that the Robeasts are siphoning off the vital energies of the planets where they have landed, and debate erupts among the crew as to how to proceed. Allura calls for a direct assault on Honerva on Oriande, laying out why. Honerva plots to pull power from across a galaxy, and Voltron and the Atlas proceed to make the assault, while other forces move to address the other problems occasioned by the attack.

The Robeasts transfer the energy they have stolen, and rescue operations begin as the Atlas proceeds toward Oriande. It is defended, not by the guardian that had previously stood vigil, but by more Robeasts. Melee ensues, with the Atlas running a screen for Voltron.
It is not like to be an easy fight.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

Honerva's machinations and rescue efforts continue as the fight goes on. The energy collection proceeds, funneling untold power to Honerva in Oriande. She channels it into the unmaking of the guardian, increasing her power immensely and enacting a dark ritual while the Atlas and Voltron continue to fight. Ezor and Zethrid, prisoners in the brig on the Atlas, move to assist, as well.
Enemy of my enemy...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.

The fights continue. So does the ritual. The boundaries between realities are rent again, and the reality-ending potential of the threat is made explicit. And, to all appearances, Lotor is returned from the dead.
This is never a good sign.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
Melee resumes between Voltron and Lotor, and the suborned Alteans look on in awe as a bestial Lotor badly batters Voltron. At least one is disturbed by the sight, and Allura makes to attack Honerva personally. Lance moves to defend her, ultimately unsuccessfully, and Lotor attacks the Altean nearest him. Honerva holds the attack and makes a bargain with Allura: her life for Lance's. Allura accepts, and Honerva restrains Lotor before continuing on with her plan, taking the structures of Oriande into space in a manner that the old Castle of Lions seems to have copied. The Paladins flee, as well, before they are trapped. They narrowly escape, and matters look poorly for them.


It continues to be good to see the series work to close off plot threads left from earlier seasons, or, rather, to use ideas from those earlier seasons to reinforce narrative continuity. Despite certain tendencies in the series, the return to already-established methods and actions helps to promote the cohesion and authenticity of the milieu; it looks more like it plays by its own rules, following a variation on world-building advice given by Tolkien in "On Fairy-stories" and refined by other writers since.

Among the ideas that continue to be in use is the twistedly Marian devotion of the suborned Alteans toward Honerva. Indeed, one of the Alteans remarks on a need to "protect our goddess" when Voltron reaches Oriande. And it is not hard to see why she might be regarded thusly; aside from having lived for millennia and having mothered the similarly-millennial savior, she visibly returns him to life from the dead, if in a corrupted form suggested by her own return from beyond the grave and her husband's. But it is a false devotion, to be sure; Honerva is the mother of a false savior, and she is herself far from an immaculate figure. And those who remain in that devotion begin to suffer, not only through combat against Voltron and the associated coalition, but by the dark products of the unholy rituals performed by and for their masters--something not  uncommon to medievalist productions that involve magic, as so many do.

As in many previous episodes, the present does not introduce new medievalisms so much as reiterate and reinforce those long present in the series. But that does not make it less medievalist an item.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Voltron: Legendary Defender (Re)Watch 8.5, "The Grudge"

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More plotlines resolve as the series continues towards its ending.

8.5, "The Grudge"

Written by Rocco Pucillo
Directed by Rie Koga


She's a fine ship, she is.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
The Atlas continues her journey through the cosmos at seeming ease, and her crew confer as they exercise aboard her. In the background, Axca performs her own calisthenics. When she answers a question put to her, it marks her distance from her crewmates.

Soon enough, the Atlas answers a communication from the Paladins that reports the previous episode's exploits and the intelligence acquired. They appear to have identified Oriande as Honerva's base and arrange to rendezvous with the Atlas to confer and regroup.

Seems a strange place for a meet-up.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
As the Atlas proceeds, her crew continues to try to integrate Axca. She answers the questions posed to her tersely, and cultural differences emerge as points of tension. More information arrives from the Paladins reporting that they are delayed--even though they make planetfall at the location they had expected to find. It is a trap, and it springs hard upon the Paladins, sending them fleeing in inhospitable conditions. Their pursuers are soon revealed to be led by Zethrid.

Aboard the waiting Atlas, Axca continues to train, and Veronica continues to try to integrate her into the rest of the crew. Axca is resistant, but Veronica persists. Meanwhile, pursuit of the Paladins continues, with Keith acting as a distraction so that the others can proceed; Lance proves a useful guide as the hunt persists and until the Paladins are separated further.

Recognition dawns upon them...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
At length, the Atlas crew recognizes that something is amiss and moves to assist.

Keith continues to lead some of his pursuers away from his comrades, while another pursuer persists in following Pidge to enact revenge for an earlier defeat. With Hunk, she manages to restrain their pursuers and makes to return to the Lions. Lance and Allura also encounter their pursuers, Allura using her abilities to defeat their pursuit in time to see the Atlas arrive and disable the pursuers' ship. Keith's pursuers persist, however, and Zethrid corners him at the precipice of a volcano. She rages at him for having taken Ezor and beats him badly before Axca confronts her and Kinkade subdues her. Keith saves her from a fiery death, and she is reunited with Ezor.


Much has been made of the association between the Paladin Lance and the Arthurian Lancelot. Less noted (but still remarked upon) has been the association between Lance and the Arthurian Kay the Seneschal. I've opined about Kay's presence in Malory in another place; in summary, Kay holds a privileged position in which he does occasionally do some good but more frequently offers boasts he cannot match--and that those around him know he cannot often match. While Lance is not abusive with his position as Kay is--and Kay is decidedly abusive with his position--he does work very much to instantiate forms of bullshit recognized by scholars (namely Frankfurt); he works to foster an impression of himself not necessarily consonant with reality. The present episode speaks to the other characters' knowledge that he comports himself in such ways--which is also a common point between Lance and Kay.  It is a small medievalism, to be sure, but one that adds usefully to understanding how Voltron: Legendary Defender carries forward what it has inherited from the medieval European and other places, aiding in understanding how the medieval continues to matter.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Voltron: Legendary Defender (Re)Watch 8.4, "Battle Scars"

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The costs of combat continue to confront the Paladins as Voltron: Legendary Defender presses on.

8.4, "Battle Scars"

Written by Joshua Hamilton
Directed by Michael Chang


I'd be scared.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
One of Honerva's Robeasts makes planetfall on the Alcari homeworld. Panic understandably ensues as the Robeast wreaks havoc.

Elsewhere, the Paladins confer about their circumstances. After some strain, they determine to put in with the Alcari for rest and aid. Pidge, in particular, is eager for the chance to reconnect with the technical wizards, and calls ahead--though no reply is forthcoming, which occasions some concern.

It is a matter of no small concern.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
The Paladins proceed, rushing on to find the planet ruined and a weblum on approach. They move on the planet themselves, rushing ahead to find the desolate wasteland the planet has become; its cities are broken, all life drained from it. They look for survivors, hoping to evacuate some from the path of the weblum; there are none, all life reduced to dust in the wind, its vital energy drained. And the Paladins posit reasons for the attack to little avail.

Pidge is stunned by what she finds and reclaims her mental connection to the Alcari in the extremity of her sadness. She sees visions of what had happened, and she begins to follow them. The other Paladins attempt to delay the weblum while she does so; the progress of the attack plays out before her eyes in painful, terrifying detail. The Alcari attempted to defend themselves without success; they are able to evacuate some of their population and send a copy of their data to another site, but only a few scattered remnants of them remain, and none on their homeworld, after the Robeast saps the planet's energy. And Pidge learns that the Robeast is using wormholes to travel, which accounts for much of what they have seen in other places.

You thought your service was bad...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
The attempt to delay the weblum goes poorly, even after Allura joins it. A call for aid has no effective result, transmission interrupted by local conditions. But Pidge is able to witness the end of the Alcari homeworld and the purpose of the Robeast's attack: retrieval of Alcari technology. At the last moment, she evacuates the planet, and the Paladins together watch the world be taken by the weblum. They mourn its passing--and they report what they have found of Honerva's machinations.


The tone of the episode is deeply elegiac, even more so than earlier episodes of the series that have been mournful in their thrust. Those go back even as far as the first season of the series (here), popping up with more and less effect later (here, here, and here). The comments on those earleir episodes about the manifestation of such concepts as Þæs ofereode; ðisses swa mæg therefore apply to the present episode in like measure. Given the more overtly philosophical content of the episode--Pidge's vision reveals the Alcari leader speaking to a child about the need of the old to give way to the new, something repeated by the Paladin later in the episode--they apply perhaps more fully; the Alcari whose world is taken are to be mourned, certainly, but a remnant of their people and much of their knowledge remain. They, and the Paladins who are strangely witnesses to their final days, look forward to brighter times and endurance amid the changes of the world--a stable ship upon the rough seas of life, to draw close to another bit of Anglo-Saxon verse. One has to wonder about the possibility of foreshadowing in the episodes to come...

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Voltron: Legendary Defender (Re)Watch 8.3, "The Prisoner's Dilemma"

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Past deeds come back to haunt the Paladins as the eighth season of Legendary Defender continues.

8.3, "The Prisoner's Dilemma"

Written by Erik Bogh
Directed by Eugene Lee


You'd think they'd know better.
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
A Galra facility comes under assault; it responds as it is able, but, as it is fighting against the Voltron Coalition, it cannot do much, and it is soon taken. Casualties and collateral damage are minimal; the victory is overwhelming. In its wake, Coalition forces tend to the wounded, and the facility's commander is revealed to be an officer with whom Voltron had worked before--Lan, who is now embittered by circumstance. Evidently, as Sendak raged while Voltron was away, he and his suffered from the internal Galra conflict.

One of many less-than-good things to see...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
An arriving distress signal interrupts the tense discussion. Lan accompanies the Paladins as they go to investigate; the signal is coming from one of Lan's ships. They had been dispatched to salvage weapons from another base; they seem not to have fared well in that task, as Voltron finds the ships in fragments. No life signs are forthcoming, and only one ship remains reasonably intact. The distress signal is automated, and recovery operations begin.

Another such thing...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
The ship is ruined inside as the rest are outside. No Galra survive as the Paladins and Lan reconnoiter, and Lan rages against his circumstances to Allura. Hunk and Lance come across the agent of destruction, a bio-engineered superweapon programmed to destroy Galra; it passes them by as it continues its own crusade against the Galra. Keith recalls it, and a fight against it ensues. With difficulty and the emergence of new abilities from Keith's bayard, the weapon is defeated.

The Paladins return to Lan's base, and Lan joins the Coalition. New intelligence suggests that other threats are present and need investigation; Shiro demurs against the stated mission of the Atlas. Keith proposes splitting up to handle the expanded mission--and Hagar continues her own work, sending out more Altean-driven Robeasts to enact her will.


It is good that the series is working to address plot points raised in earlier seasons as it draws towards its declared end; while it is to be expected that some threads will not be tied off, each such knot makes for a more durable tapestry. So to see the unintended consequences of earlier actions play out is welcome.

Indeed, such seems to be the dominant thread of the episode, that actions have ramifications that may not be able to be perceived in the moments they are taken. There is ample precedent for it, including among the medieval works that underpin much of what happens in Legendary Defender. Arthuriana offers examples thereof; the conception of Mordred is one. As Malory has it, Margawse takes Arthur, who is unaware that she is his half-sister, into her bed, where he sires Mordred. He commits incest without knowing it, leading ultimately to the downfall of his kingdom of Logres. The unintended consequences of Keith's earlier actions do not lead to the Paladins' downfall, to be sure, but they do wreak ruin that he had not foreseen and for which he has to imperil himself to atone. It is a knightly thing, to be sure, and its occurrence helps tie a loose thread into the warp and weft of the medievalist tapestry that is Voltron: Legendary Defender.