
Monday, September 1, 2014

Random Bits of News

After something of a break in August, there are a few news items that need to be brought to Society attention:

Helen Young reports that the Society Constitution was ratified by an email vote of 4-0 (1 abstention). The text as ratified is up on both the Society webpage and a page of this blog.

Helen also reports that she had an article, "Race in Online Fantasy Fandom: Whiteness on," come out in Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies last month. She also has a monograph coming out through Routledge: Race in Popular Fantasy Literature: Habits of Whiteness. Congratulations are in order for both.

I can boast signing on as a contributor to the New Chaucer Society's Annotated Chaucer Bibliography.

It is not too late to send in abstracts for the International Congress on Medieval Studies or other recent CFPs that have been posted to the blog. If you have ideas and would like to travel to exotic locations such as Michigan, send them in!

We are always looking for member news and additional contributions to Travels in Genre and Medievalism. Email them to

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