
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Some Updates

First, thank you all for reading the Tales after Tolkien Society blog, Travels in Genre and Medievalism! We appreciate your continued attention (more than 19 thousand page views as of this writing), and we hope you are getting something out of what we do here.

Second, regular contributor Shiloh is still making excellent posts about Game of Thrones--but there is still room for more. If you have one-off ideas or a thought about a regular column, we'd love to have you; email or with "Tales after Tolkien Blog" in the subject line, and we'll be happy to talk with you. (Incidentally, if you know anyone who might like to have such a venue, please feel free to pass the news along. We're always happy to meet new people!)

Third, I've updated the "Label Search" page on the blog. There's been a proliferation of labels since I last updated the list, and having ready access ought to make it easier to navigate what we've got up here.

Fourth, planning is underway for the 2017 International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo. The last general meeting of the Society took place at an excellent Mediterranean restaurant not far from the Congress; depending on expected attendance and stated preferences, we may return there. To that end, this survey; member feedback is appreciated--and if you want to become a member, email us. Membership is free and open to all interested parties; we'd love to have you!

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