
Friday, May 5, 2017

About the Meeting at Kalamazoo 2017

Per Section 5.1 of the Society Constitution, the Society will be having an Annual General Meeting at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo. It will take place immediately following the paper session we're hosting, and in the same room--so Schneider 1225, likely around 1230 local time. Those who cannot attend the Congress can attend via phone or Skype; those interested, please email, and we can begin to make arrangement.

So far as I am aware, no office is up for re/election this year--that should happen in 2018, with the exception of the Social Media Officer, who will be up for re/election in 2019 (as noted here). As such, the planned agenda is as follows:

  • Selecting one or more sessions to propose for the 2018 Congress
    • Unconventional Medievalisms remains an available session topic
  • Selecting one or more conferences to extend into, as well as topics
  • Determining if another Society volume should be pursued
I am, of course, open to other business; if you would like other items added, please let me know.

I look forward to seeing people there!

Geoffrey B. Elliott
Vice-president (USA), Tales after Tolkien Society

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