
Saturday, June 10, 2017

About Travels in Genre and Medievalism in 2017

This blog is a week over three years old, now, and it has been a little over a year since the last post made about the status of the blog, here. It would seem to be high time for another such.

The blog has roughly doubled in extent since the last post about its status; this will mark the 164th published post, and a few more are on the schedule. The most frequent contributor has been the inestimable Shiloh Carroll, whose excellent Game of Thrones posts have kept the lights on and attention focused on what we do here. What will happen when she reaches the end of the series (to date) is not entirely clear, but it can be hoped that other contributors--always welcome--will step forward and add their own voices to what is going on here. Email to submit; we'd love to hear from you.

As we move into the fourth year of the blog, look for more events and more happenings to be reported, as well as the aforementioned hoped-for columns and commentaries. Look also for updates to the administrative bits of the blog, so that more of it works the way it ought to.

And, as ever, thank you for reading!

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