
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Kalamazoo 2018 Report

𝔓er §5.1 of the Society Constitution, an Annual General Meeting of the Tales after Tolkien Society was held during the 2018 International Congress on Medieval Studies. The meeting happened at 5:15pm local time in Bernhard 213 on the campus of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. Geoffrey B. Elliott presided and recorded minutes; present by signature were Matthieu Boyd, Shiloh Carroll, Rachel Cooper, Dimitra Fimi, Andrew Higgins, Kris Larsen, Jewell Morow, John D. Rateliff, Luke Shelton, and Kris Swank.

The meeting offered two agenda items: panel proposals for the 2019 International Congress on Medieval Studies and elections for officers (per §4.2.2 and subsections in the Society Constitution). After discussion and refinement, and as accepted by the present membership, the panels to be proposed are
  • The Legacy of Tolkien's Medievalism in Contemporary Works, which will examine the continuing influence of J.R.R. Tolkien on conceptions of the Middle Ages and medieval prevalent in academic and popular cultures; and
  • Afterlives of Medieval Religion in Contemporary Works, which will look at how the post-Tolkien works that are the Society's focus mis/appropriate medieval religious constructions (and which will help to undergird the collection proposed during the 2017 AGM).
More formal CFPs will be forthcoming.

Elections were conducted by Social Media Officer Luke Shelton. Three of the four offices up for election had a single candidate nominated; per accepted motion from the floor, the ballot was accepted. The fourth office was elected from the floor. Results are
  • Geoffrey B. Elliott, President 2018-2021
  • Andrew Higgins, Vice-President (At-large) 2018-2020
  • Luke Shelton, Vice-President (USA) 2018-2019
  • Rachel Cooper, Secretary 2018-2020
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:45pm local time.

The Society thanks those whose terms have ended for their service and congratulates its new officers.

Updates to related pages are forthcoming as of this writing.

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