
Friday, February 19, 2021

Another Update for #Kzoo2021

ontinuing on from earlier posts regarding the 2021 International Congress on Medieval Studies, the Society notes the publication of the Congress program online and calls attention to the following from it:


The session is the only one the Society has on the program, and it is hoped that people will be able to "attend" the session.

It will be noted that there is no business meeting on the schedule. The Society's business--election of a new Society President and determination of conference offerings moving forward--still needs to be discussed, however. The virtual meeting that took place in 2020 offered a good model, so...

  • If you would like to participate in the meeting, please fill out the form linked here:
  • If you would like to stand for election as Society President (2021-2024), please email with your name, affiliation, and candidate statement. That information will be published to the membership in advance of the meeting time that gets worked out.

As an offshoot of the latter, please make sure your information is up to date; email with updated contact information if you are not sure about it--or even if you would like to join! Please remember that Society membership is open to all, by request.

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