
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Yet Another Update for #Kzoo2021

 ontinuing on from earlier posts regarding the 2021 International Congress on Medieval Studies, notably here, the Society polling for the date and time of the 2021 AGM has concluded. There were seven responses to the survey posted online and emailed to members whose contact information is current. Majorities carried where available; where not, the plurality was accepted.

Regarding the question of the date of the AGM, two respondents noted preference for each of 12 May and 15 May 2021. Three, however, noted preference for 10 May 2021, the same date as the panel. The plurality carries.

Regarding the question of the time of the AGM, one respondent noted a preference for a 1pm meeting, and two noted a preference for a 3pm meeting. Four, however, noted a preference for a 7pm meeting; the majority carries. Consequently, the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Tales after Tolkien Society will be held at 7pm on Monday, 10 May 2021 (US Eastern Daylight Time), following the panel presentations. Arrangements for the online meeting are forthcoming and will be announced and emailed to members.

Regarding the question of panel/s to be proposed for the 2022 International Congress on Medieval Studies, the following suggestions were made by respondents to the survey:

  • Medievalism and Diversity
  • Twenty-first Century Neo-/Medievalisms

They join the existing Unconventional Medievalisms topic for discussion, and the first subsumes Legacies of Tolkien's Whiteness. Other topics will be entertained in floor discussion during the AGM, as well, as time and interest allow.

Regarding the question of other concerns for attention, the perpetual call for additional contributions to this blog is again reiterated; guest posts tend to be received well by readership, and, though minor, posts to the blog are reviewed posts in an academic society's official record. Also noted was a desire to avoid conflicting with other panels including "Tolkien" in the title; scheduling decisions at the Congress are at the discretion of the Congress and are therefore outside Society control. Other concerns for attention will be entertained in floor discussion at the AGM, as time and interest allow.

One other concern, not noted on the survey, merits attention against the earlier-noted agenda items for the AGM: the election of a Society President to serve from 2021 through 2024. Current President Geoffrey B. Elliott has indicated willingness to remain in the position, although he notes that he will happily step aside in favor of others in need of society positions for awards, tenure, promotion, and other causes. Those interested in standing for election as Society President (2021-2024), please email with your name, affiliation (if any; "Independent Scholar" and similar terms are entirely acceptable), and candidate statement on or before 9 April 2021 for publication on the Society blog. Any member in good standing is eligible for election, regardless of affiliation, academic rank, or lack of either or both of the same. Nominations from the floor of the AGM will also be accepted, although time and other business will necessarily mean they are less thoroughly considered than will those nominations coming in for publication.

Again, please make sure your information is up to date; email with updated contact information if you are not sure about it--or even if you would like to join, as Society membership is open to all, by request!

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