
Monday, April 17, 2023

Tales after Tolkien Society Annual General Meeting Survey Results

ello once again, all!

Results from the survey conducted online beginning 20 March 2023 are in. The Zoom meeting, which will be hosted by the Society and presided over by Geoffrey B. Elliott, will occur on Friday, 12 May 2023, at 3:00pm in UTC-6. The invitation will go out across the Society email list, so if you have not confirmed that we have your correct email address, please do so to be able to get on and join in.

Agenda items for the meeting will be, in order

  1. Election for VP (At-large)
  2. Election for Secretary
  3. Selection of Sessions to Propose for the 2024 International Congress on Medieval Studies
    • Alternative Medievalisms against the Tolkienian Tradition
    • Off of the Printed Prose Page: Multimodal Medievalisms
    • Tolkien and Twenty-First Century Challenges
    • Continued Lessons from the Professor: Borrowings from Tolkien, 2020+
  4. Other Business
    • Coordination with Other Societies (e.g., ISSM, Lone Medievalist, the many Tolkien societies)
    • Sessions at Other Conferences than the Congress
    • Publications?

The survey also suggested a report on the blog itself might be in order. Given constraints of Zoom meetings, the report will be posted to the blog itself. Contributions to the blog are, as always, welcome. Rachel Sikorski's author interview series remains open, and the general call for guest work is ever available.

Any members of the Society interested in standing to office, please let the Society know; if you're on the list, you're eligible.

As ever, thank you for your continued interest and support!

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