
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Author Interview - Kerree Kendall

Hello and welcome to our latest author interview with fantasy author, Kerree Kendall!

Please tell us a little bit about yourself and your writing.

Well… My name is Kerree (pounced Kerry, like the county in Ireland). I have been working in Heritage and Archaeology for around thirteen years and specialise in Maritime Archaeology. Sorry, this is beginning to sound like the start of a job interview. I started writing when I was about ten, I think, or early teens. My passion for history and archaeology is always a significant influence in my books (so far, I have plans to change that in the future).

Who would you say your biggest literary influences are? 

I mostly reread classic horror titles, so Bram Stoker, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, H.G Wells… The list goes on! But I can quite honestly say my Times Of Change series (TOC) would not have been written without Andrzej Sapkowski and Ben Dylan Aaronovitch. To be honest, I never thought I was such a fan of fantasy until I discovered the Witcher series; then, I was hooked! I read all the books, played all the games, and I mean ALL the games, yes! Including the first one! I have made Geralt’s armour and Yennefer’s outfit from the third game. I even have a ruddy Witcher tattoo! It was the first fantasy series I read that was really accessible to me. There were no made-up words, the characters didn’t have long and complicated names, the magic was somewhat grounded, and the world sucked me to the point where people may say I am a little obsessed. However, not all the credit can be given to Sapkowski as I probably wouldn’t have started writing again if I hadn’t read Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series. He has the most visual way of writing I have ever experienced in a book before; when I read his work, I feel like I can see it all playing out in front of me like a film. Which, in technical writing terms, I hope I replicate in my works. 

How has the history of the middle ages impacted/influenced your work? 

Erm… Massively! Even before my career in Archaeology began, I had always been fascinated with Anglo-Saxon Britain. Why? To be honest, I can’t tell you exactly why, but the country being divided into Kingdoms, the different Kings, the artefacts, clothing, jewellery, the way of life. I can not put my finger on it exactly, but it fascinates me! Although… I can tell you excavating Anglo-Saxon sites can be a real bore! Much better to research!

Do you feel like your writing has been impacted/influenced by Tolkien? If so, in what way(s)? 

I think every fantasy author has been impacted and/or influenced by Tolkien in some way or another. Unfortunately, although I enjoy the story, I have never thoroughly read Lord Of The Rings. I just can’t, I have tried on multiple occasions, but it is far too detailed, and to be completely honest, if his book was released today, I think it would go through a massive editing process. Yes, very controversial of me to say, I know. I’m sorry if this upsets people, but it is just my opinion. Also, I do not like the culture created around the LOTR series, especially The Silmarillion. Some fantasy readers think they are superior to other fantasy readers because they have read all of J. R. R. Tolkien’s works, or you are not considered a ‘real’ fantasy lover unless you read high fantasy. And honestly, this attitude was the reason I steered clear of reading and writing fantasy for a very long time.

What do you think the current innovations in your genre(s) are? 

As previously mentioned, I read very little fantasy. And since I have been writing the TOC series (since 2020), I have not read any fiction as I do not want it to influence my work. So, unfortunately, I have no idea what is happening in the world of fantasy at the moment other than the reviews I see on social media.

What is something in your genre(s) you’d like to see more of? 

Again, as I said. I read very little fantasy. Once I finish my TOC series in September 2023, I will definitely be exploring more fantasy, but if I can find more series like Witcher. I will be laughing. 

What is something in your genre(s) you’d like to see less of? 

As mentioned, this is my opinion, but I can not stand YA fantasy. I have tried reading a few of the more popular ones over the years due to constantly being recommended, but I don’t understand why adults would want to read about young adults. I prefer to read characters who are bitter, rough and corrupted by their life experiences, just like myself! I understand it may be a genre young adults may be interested in, but it isn’t for me.

Is there anything else related I didn’t ask a question about that you’d like to add?

Erm… Nope, don’t think so. I have ranted enough. Sorry… 

Where online can our readers find you and your work? 

All my books are available on Amazon and free to read on KU. I am on ALL of the social media and Goodreads. All links can be found via 


Kerree, thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your thoughts and experiences!

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