
Thursday, August 29, 2019

A New Rewatch Series: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power

𝔄s I've commented before, I have a vested interest in materials meant for children because I have a daughter, born in 2014, and I try to be interested and engaged in the media she consumes. I'm also the person I am, born when I am and shaped by the media available for my consumption when I was her age and in the following years. I remember the delightfully terrible cartoons of my childhood--such as Voltron and He-Man--and the much better work that came out during my adolescence--such as Avatar: The Last Airbender--with varying degrees of fondness, and I've applied my faculties to those things and others for my daughter and for this blog.
So, faced with more my daughter and I have been watching, and seeing so much that seems amenable to treatment by the Society, I put a question to some friends of mine as to which of two series we've recently watched (so far as they are out yet; neither is concluded as is Galavant, which I treated most recently, or Voltron: Legendary Defender, which actually got to end rather than simply stopping) they would like to see treated here: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power or The Dragon Prince. My daughter and I enjoyed both thoroughly, and I am given to understand the groups of friends to whom I put the question did, too.
In the end, though, there seemed to be a slight preference for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, at least in as long as I left the question open before putting together this post. I have every expectation that I will take up The Dragon Prince later on, perhaps after it gets another season added to it (and I hope it does!), but, for now, I will be turning my attentions to Etheria and the ways in which it pulls from and makes (sometimes awkward) use of the medieval.
I hope you'll begin to read the series here soon!
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
The promo poster seems fitting here, too.
I'm borrowing it from IMDB for purposes of reporting and commentary.

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