Thursday, January 20, 2022

Once upon a Time Rewatch 2.8, "Into the Deep"

Read the previous entry in the series here.
Read the next entry in the series here.

2.8, "Into the Deep"

Written by Kalinda Vazquez and Daniel T. Thomsen
Directed by Ron Underwood


After a recapitulation of relevant events, the episode opens with Hook descending the beanstalk, where Cora meets him. He reports his loss of the compass to her, but he reaffirms his commitment to their agreement. She rejects the affirmation and leaves him behind, returning to her collection of disembodied hearts and rekindling one to which several others respond. Those she had most recently slain rise at her command and shamble forward to do her bidding.

Beats a milk carton...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
Emma presses Aurora about her dream-vision, finding that her Henry is in the sleeping-curse vision. Snow White puzzles out that the shared experience of the sleeping curse is what brings Aurora and Henry into contact, and an argument about full disclosure briefly ensues. Snow White notes that there is hope of return to Storybrooke--via communication through Henry with Rumpelstiltskin. Attempts to effect that communication ensue, and Henry reports the initial contacts via Aurora--and the coming need to best Cora.

Belle and Gold confer over lunch until interrupted by Regina. Conversation between Regina and Gold immediately grows strained as she reports the imminent return of Cora and the need to interdict it.

Work to coordinate interdiction and recovery efforts proceeds. Mulan notes that Aurora is showing the effects of the dream-realm upon her and objects to Aurora's participation, with the objection overruled. Regina and David look on as Gold attempts to work through Henry, narrating a means to subdue Cora via harvested squid ink secreted in his old jail cell. Henry attempts to pass on the message, although environmental conditions prevent its transmission; an attack demands Aurora be roused prematurely, the wights Cora sent assailing her, Mulan, Emma, and Snow White. In the melee, Mulan flees with Aurora, although they are soon separated; Snow White and Emma follow. Henry wakes and reports his failure, his own burns coming to attention.

In a hole in the ground...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
Aurora finds herself Cora's captive. Cora notes her intention to use Aurora as bait for Snow White and Emma and chides Aurora for her desire to move ahead from the loss of Phillip. She also offers to resurrect the departed, occasioning only an angry outburst from Aurora. Cora casts her aside and sends a crow to inform Snow White, Emma, and Mulan of her demands. Mulan rages, and Snow White offers to travel to the dream-realm to retrieve information, and work to redeem Aurora from Cora proceeds.

Henry, Gold, Regina, and David confer about how to proceed. David recalls his wife having been under a sleeping curse and volunteers to go under one himself to effect his wife and daughter's redemption. Meanwhile, Hook redeems Aurora from captivity, citing his opposition to Cora after her refusal to take him with her. He sends her off with a message for Emma affirming that his deal with her remains in place, if she will accept it.

You're so vain, you prob'ly think this comment's about you...
Image taken from the episode, used for commentary.
As Snow White, Emma, and Mulan proceed along their plans, Emma resolving to assign blame to Regina for events, she works on crafting a sleeping-curse draught for David. Henry asks her about her methods and her use of magic; he commends her use of it for helping people and her resolve. He also reasserts his desire to help, Regina refusing him and citing his grandparents' tendency to find one another. Gold explains the risks and procedures to David, and the sleeping-draught is completed and administered. Snow White and David enter the dream-realm together after some travail, and the needed information is relayed. That done, they are parted in sorrow, Snow White waking as Charming remains under the effects of the curse.

Henry, Regina, and Gold look on as David lingers under the curse. Snow rouses, however, reporting events in a frenzy. Emma calms and comforts her, but they realize that Mulan has stolen the compass and fled. She proceeds to where Cora had imprisoned Aurora--and Cora finds Hook has released Aurora. He notes having a gift for her, which she seems to appreciate. Aurora reaches Mulan, Snow, and Emma, and she reports events--under the influence of Cora, who holds her heart, Hook's gift. Efforts by all concerned proceed.


The present episode, as several others working with the aftereffects of sleeping curses, works with the trope of the dream-vision to some extent. It's a point that has come up before, both in the present series and in others (here and here, for example), so it's not surprising that it manifests again--or that it would be reworked from its medieval antecedents. As in earlier cases, there is something of the deus ex machina at work in the present episode's rendering, but that's hardly uncommon for neo/medieval/ist works. So much seems to be the same as earlier treatments, though, so it's not something I can really add to at present; it's there, again, but it's there in the same way it's been there elsewhere...

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